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How to recognize the symptoms of prostate cancer and tips to prevent it

Everyone wants to be free of malignant diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer. The women are usually afraid of breast cancer or cervical cancer, while men are worried about a heart attack, stroke or prostate cancer. The prostate gland is the name of the shape wrapped by muscles fibers. The prostate is located in the male pelvis. Function of the prostate is a reproductive function for men. The prostate makes fluid to nourish sperm. The shape is not too big, but its function is vital. A happy healthy man.   Image: Prostate cancer usually affect men aged over 70 years and or men aged over 90 years. Prostate cancer is rarely found in men younger than 40 years, but we need to know the symptoms and how to prevent this disease.  Prostate cancer can occur when prostate cells mutate and grow uncontrollably. These cells may spread from the prostate to the other parts of the body, especially bones. Prostate cancer may cause pai

Natural facial tightening tips

If you frequent outdoor activities, it can make your skin wrinkled, especially of the face. Wrinkled facial skin will surely make you not confident because people who see you think you are old, though you are still young. Is there a miracle cure for to reduce wrinkles on the face? If you want to have a firmer facial skin, so now you can choose many kinds of medicine for skin tightening in the market. You will find the cheapest price to highest. We know that natural medicine can treat wrinkles, and then it is good we use natural medicine because it is safer than chemical based medications. Perhaps you've heard of a miracle cure to get rid of wrinkles on the face. Healthy and happy face. Image: Several tips to tighten facial skin with natural methods, such as: Maintain your skin in a moist condition by consuming at least 8 glasses of water per day. Sleep deprivation or abnormal sleeping, could have an impact on your skin. Because if you sleeping less than

Facts and myths about acne, and tips for treating acne

Acne is one of the things that can make us bad mood all day. Not just we, but almost all teenagers and women in the world complain of interference acne on the face. Acne in adolescence it is actually a natural thing. Because at this puberty so our bodies undergo many hormonal changes. During adolescence sebaceous (oil producing glands) are active remove fats called sebum. Many people are so desperate to get rid of acne. There are m any of those who follow blindly acne myths. They do not realize that every person requires special treatment based on skin type and texture. Myths may seem harmless enough, but few can do serious damage to the skin. Before you complain and want to be free of acne, then I would like to share information about the myths and facts about acne.                                               Clean your face wisely to reduce acne.   Image: The more often we wash your face, the better. It is highly recommended to us to clean yo

Simple Tips for a healthy life without drugs and doctors

Do you want to live a healthy life without depending on drugs and doctors? Many people and health experts are definitely advise you to do positive things like: sports, maintain a diet, avoid stress. A positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle will make you more happy and long life. All the advice is true. Please see some tips that you can make as a personal guide and your family: Intentions and assertiveness Julia Roberts enjoy lunch in Bali .   Image: How strong your determination to achieve health in life? If you only half your intention, then you get the benefits will be minimal. Begin with a strong intention and firmness in you, that you want to live healthy and fresh. Good eating frequency Do not rely on the mood to eat. Diet should be regular, and so continue to keep. If you intend to eat 3 times a day, then it should be undertaken on an ongoing basis. Remember to start your day with good breakfast.  Eat in the morning because it is important

Secret of longevity

Secret of longevity is an active lifestyle Do you prefer to sit in front of the television rather than actively meeting your old friends in a coffee shop or hangout and enjoy light food in a small restaurant? Live a more active, more adventurous, and met a lot of people are known to be the key to longevity. People who live more active and extrovert tend to live longer, up to age 90 years, says a study. Active light exercise such as brisk walking or riding a bike in the afternoon is a positive active force for your health.   Walk to the mountain. Image: Professor Robert Moyzis from the University of California said that, one of the causes of longevity is an active lifestyle. It is known through observations in the group of people in Laguna Woods, part of the Leisure World Cohort Study, which began in 1981. Most of them have aged 90 years, even more, in 2003. This is an interesting and remarkable fact. Although most of these people have passed away, b

Ways and solutions to get a slim body and healthy life

The desire to live a healthy life with a slim body is not only the eternal dream of women, but it is the dream of men, both young and old who have aged. What can we do so that we have a slim body and a healthy body at the same time, so we can enjoy a healthy and happy life? Nature has provided a variety of natural products that can help a dream for slim and healthy. SheKnows some beverages provide recommendations that can support naturally slim fast diet, as mentioned below: 1. Soy milk Soy milk offers some benefits to your health that cannot be found in cow's milk. Unlike cow's milk, soy milk contains almost no cholesterol and zero saturated fat. This helps prevent the symptoms of menopause in women and prostate cancer in men. In addition, soy milk is also good for your heart and eye health, and improves bone health to prevent osteoporosis.   Healthy life.  Image: 2. Green juice Almost everyone seems to choose juices with

Tofu benefits for health and weight loss

Do you want to have a flat stomach and look like a bodybuilder? Exercise is a great way to lose weight fast you fall. But it is not enough to simply shrink the stomach with exercise. Intake of certain foods can help the process of downsizing the stomach quickly. Zumba exercise .   Image: Tofu is one of the foods that are known to have high protein and other nutrients. Because the protein content, eating out can help you feel full even fewer calories. According to the Department of Agriculture's National Nutrient Database, United States, in a half cup know you will get about 10 grams of protein. Being a review of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008 found that protein increases satiety in more ways than carbohydrates and fats. Lean protein, which is present in chicken breast and fish, also on tofu and nuts, serves mostly to build muscle mass in your body. Without adequate protein intake every day, you will begin to lose muscl

Regular exercise makes you healthier and smarter

Regular exercise makes you healthier and more intelligent. Let's exercise now. Do you feel less intelligent? If you want to be smart and clever, then you need to exercise regularly. Recent research conducted at the University of Texas, USA, said that the exercise 30 minutes per day can make you smarter. Is this true? Clearly, exercise definitely makes your body more refreshed, so you can think more sharp and clear. The research was conducted by collecting data from 1,100 students about exercise routines and their college grades. The results showed that students who scored a 30-minute exercise routine during the 3:52 time a week. While most of students with a grade of C, D or F only exercise for 30 minutes at around 2.81 times a week. Wow. Do exercise that you enjoy such as jogging, swimming, surfing, gymnastics, yoga, badminton, soccer, and so on. If you are busy, then you can join a fitness club. Here are 5 smart given the effects of regular exercise, as reporte

Disease prevention and health care of children

Happy children in Bali. Image: Children are more susceptible to disease than their parents. One reason is their lack of understanding of the child to preserve their own health. For example, a child still feels comfortable playing with friends or relatives who are sick. A child still likes to eat an ice cream or drink a cold beverage even though he/she is unwell. Therefore, as parents we have to be very clever to maintain the health of our own children that are susceptible to disease. Maintaining the health of children is of particular concern to mothers, especially when the change of seasons is generally accompanied by a host of diseases. When seasons change occurs, the body adapts extra hard to face the weather changes from dry season to rainy season. From heat in the air, to suddenly became cold and damp. This condition, can cause discomfort, also makes the body more susceptible to disease. Generally the rainy season begins with an uneven transition. This

Benefits and facts about egg

Do you often have breakfast in the morning with a cup of coffee with extra eggs and toast? Many people like eggs for breakfast or lunch, for example, combined with a steak or bacon. If you are on holiday in Bali , you can enjoy nasi goreng or special fried rice with egg, and two chicken skewers. Definitely a very delicious breakfast served in a villa or a hotel with a view of the beach or the terraced rice fields of Bali. Eggs are often called as Super food. In eggs there are a variety of essential nutrients from proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and good fats. A single large egg contains only 70 to 80 calories, and 10 percent meet daily protein needs, as well as in it there is iron, minerals and B vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6). However, the egg also has a bad reputation as a high-cholesterol food. So, do we need to limit egg consumption or avoid it altogether?  Accused yolk contains cholesterol, however, there are many other benefits


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