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Terungkap Rahasia Rasa Capcay Yang Enak

Misalnya, pada saat liburan ke Semarang selain mencari lunpia rebung yang paling enak, ada pecinta wisata Kuliner dari generasi old yang sengaja menyempatkan waktu untuk menikmati Capcay legendaris di kota itu.  Saya percaya anda pasti sudah rindu untuk wisata kuliner bersama keluarga atau para sahabat dan komunitas. Yuk obati rasa rindu yang memuncak itu sambil stay at home .  Capcay Goreng. Juga ada versi Capcay Kuah ( Di Medan atau Jakarta dan kota-kota lainnya di Nusantara juga banyak dijumpai restaurant keluarga terkenal, yang turun temurun terkenal dengan rasa Capcay yang lezat nggak ketulungan. Pada saat masuk Chinese Restaurant di kota-kota tersebut selain memesan menu seperti Burung Dara Goreng, Gurame Asam Manis atau Sup Asparagus, bisa dipastikan ada salah satu "peserta" akan memilih Capcay. Padahal ada menu Sayur  Kailan ( 芥蘭 , jièlán) yang tak kalah enaknya.  Capcay menjadi favorit karena dimasak dengan aneka sayuran. Secara tradisional Capcay yang len

Tips for staying fit and healthy during social distancing

Most nations and countries this year are facing a global outbreak, caused by Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. The presidents or prime ministers have even established lockdown or regional quarantine, as well as civil emergency status. This is not an easy decision. This was decided because it was solely done to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.  In addition to doctors, nurses, police, military personnel, and volunteers who are members of the task force in overcoming this coronavirus, we are required to stay at home. We also have to adjust the work situation with the atmosphere of the house or apartment. Students also must learn independently from home, without face to face with their teachers as they enjoyed in the previous days. Changing or adjusting the atmosphere to new conditions is not easy, but you will soon enjoy it with your family. Perhaps the following tips you can rely on so that you stay productive, creative, fun, and of course make you healthier and happier, in y


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