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Tips for staying fit and healthy during social distancing

Most nations and countries this year are facing a global outbreak, caused by Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. The presidents or prime ministers have even established lockdown or regional quarantine, as well as civil emergency status. This is not an easy decision. This was decided because it was solely done to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. 

In addition to doctors, nurses, police, military personnel, and volunteers who are members of the task force in overcoming this coronavirus, we are required to stay at home. We also have to adjust the work situation with the atmosphere of the house or apartment. Students also must learn independently from home, without face to face with their teachers as they enjoyed in the previous days.

Changing or adjusting the atmosphere to new conditions is not easy, but you will soon enjoy it with your family. Perhaps the following tips you can rely on so that you stay productive, creative, fun, and of course make you healthier and happier, in your mind, body, and soul.

These tips are not only important to prevent the spread of coronavirus, but also to release you from anxiety, fear, and paranoia due to the very massive news about this global epidemic, which unfortunately is mixed with fake news or hoax. 

According to a vaccine to cure sufferers from exposure to Covid-19 will only be produced and applied in a rather long time. And experts say that's still 18 to 24 months away. That's why we have to maintain our food intake properly. But eating as healthily as possible is important not only for our physical health but our psychological well-being, too. A healthy diet has been shown to reduce our risk of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, as well as depression and anxiety. 

It's important to note that you don't have to go on a special diet, as long as you have to be able to avoid processed foods as much as possible, including fast food. However, that does not mean absolutely not allowed at all. You can wisely adjust the distance of time and day with real food. Maximize your kitchen to cook for yourself and your family.

The main things that are also important to remember are messages from the World Health Organization (WHO) which must also be ordered by the President or our government. Remember to wash your hands as recommended by the authorities recently. Use a mask if you really need it, for example when you cough, runny nose or flu. 

Also make sure you keep a distance of more than one meter when you meet people when you are outside the home such as when you shop for daily or weekly needs. You must practice social distancing properly to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus. Exercise is also very important to maintain fitness, which is also proven to reduce stress or stress because you spend too much time at home. 

To prevent boredom, you need to sing or hum. Sing your favorite songs, especially those with a cheerful rhythm. A little pounding on your song will also be fun. Also watch comedy shows or funny videos, which you can find easily on the Internet. 

If you are good at playing music, let's play your piano or guitar that has been lying around for a long time. Invite your family to sing. Just enjoy your days with musical interludes. Maybe there is also your family who are abroad or other cities, let's take them video calls while reminiscing, exchanging jokes, so that you and they are also free from stress. 

There are many other creative and productive activities that you can do alone or with your family.
Yoga, healthy food, healthy tips, corona virus, Covid-19, meditation, stay home, happy, fit, reduce stress, music
Let's start practicing yoga and meditation. (

Apparently, pondering or meditating at least between 5 minutes to 30 minutes you also need to try. Play soft music so you can focus. Emptying your mind is what you need to do in these difficult times. Trying yoga is also recommended. You can get tutorials on the Internet, there are even lots of videos about yoga on YouTube.

Who knows, you will get a new inspiration that will change your life better in the future. Enjoy with the sincere atmosphere that exists today. You will be happy and stay healthy in your body, mind, and spirit. 

After reading this article, let's share it with all your social networks. Sharing is caring.



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