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Benefits and facts about egg

Do you often have breakfast in the morning with a cup of coffee with extra eggs and toast? Many people like eggs for breakfast or lunch, for example, combined with a steak or bacon. If you are on holiday in Bali, you can enjoy nasi goreng or special fried rice with egg, and two chicken skewers. Definitely a very delicious breakfast served in a villa or a hotel with a view of the beach or the terraced rice fields of Bali.

Eggs are often called as Super food. In eggs there are a variety of essential nutrients from proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and good fats. A single large egg contains only 70 to 80 calories, and 10 percent meet daily protein needs, as well as in it there is iron, minerals and B vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6).

However, the egg also has a bad reputation as a high-cholesterol food. So, do we need to limit egg consumption or avoid it altogether? Accused yolk contains cholesterol, however, there are many other benefits derived from the yolk.
nasi goreng spesial, fried rice, healthy food, egg
Balinese fried rice with egg and satay. Image:

Here are some benefits of egg yolks that you cannot find in the egg white

- Benefits of choline for heart

Egg yolks with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in it, it also helps to improve heart and cardiovascular health. Not only the consumption of moderate amounts of eggs that showed benefits for the heart, but also nutrients in the yolk, which is choline, helps to regulate cardiovascular function.

In addition, a study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that women who ate foods with high levels of choline have 24 percent less likely to have breast cancer than those who do not.

- More vitamins.

Egg yolks contain more vitamins both the type and number compared with the egg white. Each egg yolk contains seven vitamins, such as vitamin B6, B-12, A, D, E, K, and folate. Vitamin A, D, E and K are only found in egg yolks only, not in the egg whites.

- More minerals.

Such as vitamins, minerals are crucial micronutrients required by the body. Minerals are essential nutrients that are used to manage functions such as balancing the body's electrolytes. Egg yolks and egg whites have 13 types of minerals, including from calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, and selenium. Although both parts are equally eggs contain minerals, but the yolk contains a lot more for each mineral. For example, 90 percent of the calcium contained in the egg is in the yolk; 93 percent iron content in eggs is in the yolk, and only 7 percent is in the whites.

- Benefits of egg yolks for eye 

Carotenoids in the egg yolk, particularly the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, are very beneficial for eye health. According to the researchers, this carotenoid, which is the pigment that gives colour to the yellow color of egg yolk, can lower the risk of age-related degeneration and cataracts. This substance acts as an antioxidant for the eyes, fight free radicals that can damage parts of the retina that can affect the eye's ability to focus.

The truth is that eating eggs is not bad for health. The fact that eating eggs may run the risk of cardiovascular disease is a common mistake. According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2000), where the study was conducted to estimate the association between egg consumption and cholesterol levels, eggs contributes important nutrients to the diet and are not associated with high cholesterol.

healthy egg, egg for health, good egg
Bacon and egg. Image:
The study showed that those who ate four or more eggs a week actually had lower cholesterol levels than those who did not eat at all or only eat one egg per week. For extra security, you have to be careful not to eat too much fried eggs because you are going to consume the fat of oil eggs. The key here is, do not prepare eggs with butter or oil to include too much.

A single large egg contains about 213 milligrams cholesterol in the egg yolk portion. If you want healthy, follow dietary recommendations suggested that cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 mg per day.

American Heart Association says an egg a day is still within reasonable limits to health. However, you should not consume more foods high in cholesterol such as full cream milk, meat and poultry such as ducks. If you have a disease such as heart disease or diabetes, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist regarding egg consumption limits and other protein sources. Enjoy your life wisely.



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