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Disease prevention and health care of children

healthy children, healthy kids, health treatment for children
Happy children in Bali. Image:

Children are more susceptible to disease than their parents. One reason is their lack of understanding of the child to preserve their own health. For example, a child still feels comfortable playing with friends or relatives who are sick. A child still likes to eat an ice cream or drink a cold beverage even though he/she is unwell. Therefore, as parents we have to be very clever to maintain the health of our own children that are susceptible to disease.

Maintaining the health of children is of particular concern to mothers, especially when the change of seasons is generally accompanied by a host of diseases. When seasons change occurs, the body adapts extra hard to face the weather changes from dry season to rainy season. From heat in the air, to suddenly became cold and damp. This condition, can cause discomfort, also makes the body more susceptible to disease. Generally the rainy season begins with an uneven transition. This causes some areas to remain hot and dusty.

Furthermore, the dust and dirt that remains in the region can easily be spread to other areas by wind, and a factor (carrier) of disease. Children, especially toddlers including those prone to diseases in the transition seasons. If allowed, they are likely to develop adverse health problems.

1. Fever

Fever is one of the health problems that are often suffered by children in the transition seasons. This could be because the new condition in this transition season children are battered with many germs (usually viruses). Fever is not a disease. But a symptom that is building the body's defense against infection. More precisely, a fever can be a symptom of various diseases. Fever can start mild to serious infections.

2. Digestive Diseases

In the transition from dry season to rainy season, cases of this disease are high because of all the dust and dirt that could potentially be a cause to the disease. The disease is also very closely related to food consumption patterns. Because the disease is usually caused by bacteria or viruses commonly contaminate food and beverage, whether it's home-made food or street food outside the home. Given the diet of children who tend to be arbitrary, the possibility of this disease becomes very large.

Gastrointestinal disease is usually preceded complaint diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea are usually accompanied by fever, and headache-inducing. Children may appear slimy stools and even bleed (if the cause is not an infection, symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea often accompanied by heartburn and even stool without mucus and blood).

So there are no unwanted things, first aid is usually given priority to stop the vomiting and diarrhea. And after a given treatment, within 3 days generally reduced complaints. If not, the child needs to get more serious treatment.

3. Respiratory Diseases

One disease children in the transition seasons that preceded fever is a disease of the respiratory system. Fever is a symptom of respiratory system disease is usually mild to moderate (37.4 to 39.4 degrees Celsius).

But in some cases of influenza in children, fever can reach 39.9 degrees Celsius. Early symptoms of respiratory tract disease may include cough, sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath. Could also be accompanied by cough runny nose, sneezing and increased body temperature. Symptoms can also appear special, which is not normal breathing.

Based on the location of the attack, the disease can be divided into two:

3.1. Upper respiratory tract disease.

Generally, a symptom of upper respiratory tract disease is lighter, such as a cold. Only in certain cases may appear serious symptoms, such as fever which is rather high (the inflammation of the throat) and toxemia or poisoning (in diphtheria).

3.2. Lower respiratory tract disease.

Disruption in this section can bring bronchopneumonia; pneumonia is derived from branches of throat infections, and brongchitis, which is a serious infection of the last branch of the respiratory tract adjacent lung tissue.

Tips and solutions to prevent and treat the kids to be healthy is to keep the food intake of children; adequate nutrition, according to age, weight and activity will boost your child's immune system so it is not susceptible to disease

Complete with multivitamins. These supplements contain a variety of essential vitamins (which cannot be made by the body). When given correctly - the composition and the dosage adjusted to the needs of the child - a multivitamin can help to increase endurance, so not susceptible to disease transition.

happy children, healthy children, tips for healthy kids
Healthy children. Image:
Make sure any food and drinks are eaten by children is guaranteed cleanliness. That is, in addition to more hygienic in processing and preparing food at home. Provide knowledge and understanding to children so they buy clean food and hygienic.

Kindly the attention to the parents:

For the sake health of the body and soul of the child-child, the parents in order that avoid smoked in around them. Cigarette smoke is very harmful to the lungs, respiratory and heart of your children. Similarly, your alcohol drinking habits in front of your children also is not good for their mental health. If you can smoke, then you will be healthier, so you can set aside more money for health and well-being of your family. 

Remember also to buy a health insurance policy for your children, also bought the policy for you and also your spouse. Preventing disease and maintaining health as well as have a health insurance policy for you and your family a sign of love to yourself and family, now and in the future. 

 Vacations a tropical island like sightseeing and adventure in Bali will also support the physical and mental health of your children.



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