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Tips to prevent transmission of the MERS & Corona virus

Warning.  Do you already know the MERS virus that has caused many deaths in Saudi Arabia ? Since the year 2012 the Middle East Coronavirus Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has plagued the plains of Saudi Arabia, killing 102 people, including foreigners such as  Egyptian and Indonesian, even an American citizen had been killed by the deadly MERS virus . There are a variety of ways taken to curb the spread of this virus, one of them with prevention. Although no travel warnings from your country or from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you should postpone your trip to Saudi Arabia, though you will worship in the holy land of Mecca.   MERS virus.  Image: It has been reported that this virus was first transmitted in Arabia by camel to man, so that most casualties were in Arabia and spread to neighboring Arab countries, such as Egypt, Kuwait, and even Europe. The main symptom of the virus is the flu, fever, and a cough that is almost s...

The benefits of smiling and laughing for your health

Do you often see people frown or people who do not like to smile? There are even difficult people who laugh, smile even when they're your friends who are telling funny stories or jokes. Hopefully you are not among the group of people that anti smiling or laughing. There is a proverb that says "Laugh before laughing it prohibited". Is there a country that would prohibit their citizens to laugh? Many people say that laughter and smiling are very beneficial to humans both psychologically and physically. A study which was presented at the Experimental Biology annual conference mentions that when people laugh, their brains automatically 'switched on'. It is just like when they're doing meditation.   Smiling makes you sexier.   Image: You would agree that laughter is positive for mental health, will be an even happier life. To refresh your memory about the benefits of laughter, then you can see what the effect of laughter on ...

The benefits of coffee to prevent Alzheimer's

Specific tips for preventing Alzheimer's disease.  There are several articles and studies that show that coffee or caffeine can have a positive impact, and coffee can also adversely affect human health. Too much coffee or (caffeine) can cause your bones porous easy, even coffee is also accused can affect heart health. Caffeine will make you more awake, not sleepy, and you feel more refreshed. The question is how many cups of coffee do you drink every day? Are you addicted to coffee? The best thing you should do is do not drink too much coffee, so you always get the positive benefits of coffee or caffeine for health and happiness. Caffeine in coffee is a different impact on a person and the other person, but as well as the impact of sugar or rice can also affect a person's health, it should always be remembered that any excess, will certainly have a negative impact on our health. If you are a coffee lover or a true coffee connoisseur , then you must always wise, ple...

How to prevent kidney failure, get special tips and solution

Kidney disease is a disease which at first showed no specific symptoms, so feared by many people. Renal failure in medical terms is known as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is not a new type of disease. Kidney failure is a type of kidney damage that causes the kidneys are not able to work to filter disposal of the body electrolytes, maintain fluid balance and other chemicals, such as sodium and potassium in the blood and produce urine. Kidney failure is the final stage of kidney disease. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to process blood normally. When kidney failure occurs, then the person must undergo dialysis treatment, where machines replace normal kidney function. Actually there is no specific cause of the disease. But people with hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes mellitus (diabetes) have the potential of developing the disease. However, there are some tips that can be done to prevent or at least delay the occurrence of renal or kidn...

Warning about the impact of using a laptop for your health

T he creation of laptops has given comfort to the user to work anywhere, either for business purposes, work, have fun, and to support the activities of the students. Problems arise when the user does not find a flat place to put the laptop, for example, difficult to find an empty table in the park, at the airport or train station, so you will put the laptop on your lap. However, Dr. Mercola has warned in an article that using your laptop computer on your lap is, paradoxically, not a safe way to use it. You should avoid the use of a laptop or notebook on your lap. Caution: Do not put the laptop on your lap.  Image: Perhaps you've heard that having that laptop on your lap can potentially be hazardous to your health. You need to understand it that working for hours with the laptop perched on your lap could result in discolored patchy skin.  While you could be enjoying the heat emanating, you could also develop Toasted Skin Syndrome. Meanwhile, a ...

Find out how to prevent breast cancer

In the 21st century the human race has been living in a digital world, smartphones, Internet faster, low-cost airlines, and surrounded by a wide range of sophistication in lifestyles, however, it did not diminish their fear of various kinds of diseases, so modern society fear of health problems in their lives. Both men and women can be threatened and dangerous disease at any time. For example, they can be affected by cancer disease. Meanwhile, the women are still facing the threat of breast cancer. Every woman wants to have here beautiful and healthy breasts, and of course, they want to survive, and healthy without the deadly disease, that is why they want to know how to prevent breast cancer . According to WHO (World Health Organization) breast cancer is top cancer in women both in the developed and the developing world. The incidence of breast cancer is increasing in the developing world due to increasing life expectancy, increased urbanization, and adopting of western lifestyl...

Tips and smart solutions to prevent hair loss

How do we prevent hair loss? Are you ever surprised to see your hair falling on the pillow or in the shower?  Hair loss is not only the concern of women, but it also turns out that the man was very bald head due to hair loss. It's p roved that the anti-of hair loss shampoo was not always successful to prevent you from losing a few strands of hair each day in your life. Causes of hair loss could be because you either choose the type and brand of shampoo, or because of the stress factors that disturb you psychologically so that affects the health of your hair. Shampoo advertisement or promotion of food supplements, we are also given information that the hair can also be a lack of nutrients, so the hair will easily fall or grow more slowly than healthy hair. The health experts also say that the hair loss has multiple causes, including diet, mineral deficiency, medications, pollution, and your genetics, even wearing helmets and caps can also increase hair loss. Accordin...

Effect of coffee on human health

Is coffee good for health? Do you have a penchant for drinking coffee every day? Not strange if you are a true coffee connoisseur. Drinking a cup of coffee or espresso or cappuccino has now become a way of life at all levels of society, even the number of coffee drinkers among young people is also increasing every day. The coffee industry and coffee farmers of course delighted with this trend.  Drinking coffee has become a part of social life for centuries . Is coffee g There are many studies showing that coffee and its derivatives have positive and also negative effects on the human body. If you want to always be able to drink coffee for the rest of your life, then you need to know some aspects of coffee. We often hear the bad and good effects of coffee on our lives. For fans of the coffee, the coffee can make us ready to go and excited in doing activities, so every morning and afternoon a lot of people drink coffee at work or at home. But coffee is often regarded...


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