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How to build a good health system for societies

Jokowi, a new leader in Indonesia will introduce Kartu Indonesia Sehat or Indonesian Health Care Card, a health system for low-income people, so that the poor can get access to health facilities.

In addition to the education system, the state has an obligation to create a health system that can be reached by the entire community, not only for the high-income people. In the United States, known as the "superpower" it is also a headache to set up this important system. When Barack Obama introduced legislation on a health program, "Obama Care", gets a serious obstacle from the Republican.

Jokowi ready to run for a greater Indonesia. Image:

We often hear how the citizens of the USA in the category of middle to lower many are "forced" to take care of their health to Canada or Cuba. Americans who are not able to serve low-income communities. The treatment and medicines after hospitalization are also very expensive, making it difficult to recover completely. In the land of Uncle Sam's American dream turns out it was not beautiful, so do not be surprised if the patient such as diabetes mellitus must be crossed to Cuba to getting medicine that is very essential, insulin. If the pharmaceutical industrialists are not so happy with Obama Care, it makes sense because they no longer can sell medicine at a high price.

kartu Indonesia sehat, health system, health insurance, health facilities, Jokowi, Indonesia, Jokowi president, health care, medication, healthy life, Cuba, medicine,
Jokowi among supporters at the National Monument, Jakarta. Image:
In the developing countries such as Indonesia turns out there is a leader which is wants to change the paradigm of the high cost of health care, and of course about how expensive medicines, which is the burden to the lower middle class. Joko Widodo, the former Mayor of Solo and increased his political career as governor of Jakarta, the Indonesian capital. As governor of Jakarta, the governor which is known as Jokowi, providing an alternative to facilitate the citizens, especially low-income people to gain access to health facilities.

Jokowi provide Kartu Jakarta Sehat "Healthy Jakarta Card", so that the poor can get treatment at a public hospital or community health center for free. The administration has allocated budget for the health of the population in this metropolitan city.

Meanwhile, the people who are more fortunate financially, still have to pay for the hospital or they can buy health insurance according to their ability. Thanks to "Healthy Jakarta Card", now the poor in this great city can breathe with relief, especially those who suffer from heart disease, cancer sufferers, people with diabetes, and those with traffic accidents, and other serious disease. Armed with the card, of course with a careful selection process, they are now no longer need to hesitate to go to the clinic belongs to the government of Jakarta, or to a larger hospital, both belonging to the local government and state-owned hospitals.

Along with the health program, Jokowi also very firm to reorganize the bureaucracy to minimize corruption among the city officials. There are many programs Jokowi, joint deputy governor Tjahaja Basuki Purnama or known as Ahok which is has been successfully implemented, for example, to build the all-city park, relocate illegal settlers, from slum areas to flats on a lease which is very affordable. Jokowi also successfully build a village, where the government Jokowi settlers relocate the river bank to the housing is equipped with medical facilities, places of business, so that people can be free from flooding which is always haunt them every year. Now they have a better life, moreover, there are also facilities Kartu Jakarta Pintar or "Jakarta Smart Card", which is a special card to facilitate the education of children which is were born in a poor family.

In July 2014, Jokowi has been nominated by his party as a candidate for president, the vice-president, Jusuf Kalla, former minister, and former vice-president. Armed with the support of the people of Jakarta, and also loved by the people of Indonesia, Jokowi appears very convincing at the time of the campaign, as well as arguing against its competitors, Prabowo Subianto. Jokowi promised to provide "Healthy Indonesia Card" for the poor or low-income communities throughout Indonesia.

To support the program, Jokowi with the idea of ​​"Mental Revolution", then he will reorganize the bureaucracy in order to prevent corruption and create more government officials in the public interest. Jokowi will also build health centers such as clinics, public hospitals, and other infrastructure.

Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla. Image:
On July 22, 2014, the people of Indonesia will get a new leader. Based on the data in the Quick Count, Jokowi won more votes than its competitors, Prabowo Subianto which is have military backgrounds.

If the announcement of "the National Election Commission" or Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), has a similar calculation results with the results of which is survey institutions generally Jokowi as a winner, then Indonesia will have a new president in October 2014.

In July 2014, after Jokowi nominated by his party as a candidate for president, the vice-president, Jusuf Kalla, former minister, and former vice-president. Armed with the support of the people of Jakarta, and also loved by the people of Indonesia, Jokowi appears very convincing at the time of the campaign, as well as arguing against its competitors, Prabowo Subianto. Jokowi promised to provide Kartu Indonesia Sehat or "Healthy Indonesia Card" for the poor or low-income communities throughout Indonesia. By the way, does the card can be called as Jokowi Care as Obama Care in the United States?

To support the program, Jokowi with the idea of ​​"Mental Revolution" or Revolusi Mental, then he will reorganize the bureaucracy in order to prevent corruption and create more government officials in the public interest. Jokowi will also build health centers such as clinics, public hospitals, and other infrastructure such as roads, public transport, and so on.

Based on a variety of polling organizations, which is held a Quick Count, Jokowi has won more votes than its competitors, Prabowo Subianto which has military backgrounds. If the announcement of "the National Election Commission", has similar calculation results with various institutions such surveys, which are generally given the figure a victory for Jokowi, Indonesia will have a new president in October 2014.

Jokowi is a humble leader, and often plunge into the community to listen to the aspirations of the people. Jokowi is new hope for Indonesia, the third-largest democratic country in the world, after the United States and India. The world will get a new colleague, because Jokowi also very open to cooperation with other countries based on equality.

Jokowi is a leader who is was born from modest families and went on to become entrepreneurs' furniture. From the beginning, he entered the political career with the vision and mission of which is favor of the people and had no "political debts" to the party or large business groups. It seems Jokowi, the die-hard fans Rock Metal will be a successful leader and provide new inspiration for Great Indonesia. Time will tell, one day he will become a world leader in his capacity as president of Indonesia.



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