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Apple for Health

Apples became a favorite food for people on a diet program because the content of water and fiber in apples can suppress appetite.
apple good for health, healthy life, good food
Not only that, eat an apple every day can also keep you from heart disease.

Recent research conducted in Tallahassee Florida State University found that eating an apple every day good for vascular or cardiovascular health. Researchers note that women who eat apples every day for a year can lower total cholesterol by 14 percent and levels of bad cholesterol (LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein) by 23 percent.

We never thought that consumption of apples can reduce bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) about 4 percent. In this latest study, researchers wanted to assess the long-term effects of apple consumption on heart health.

Researchers recruited 160 women between the ages of 45 to 65 years. The women were randomly assigned into one of two dietary intervention groups. One group was given 75 grams of dried apples every day for a year, while the other group was given dried prunes every day for a year.

According to this study, dried apples contains about 240 calories daily and apple contains about 5 grams of fiber, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture. Researchers found that women who ate dried apples can lower total cholesterol by 14 percent. LDL cholesterol dropped 23 percent. Daily apple consumption also significantly lowers levels of C-reactive protein and lipid hydroperoxide, two materials that may indicate an increased risk of heart disease. But whether the plum effect on cholesterol levels is not mentioned in the study abstract.

“Apples are the fruit is really remarkable for many reasons. The biggest reason is the apple fiber, apple has both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber found in the skin, while the flesh contains soluble fiber, "said Jessica Shapiro, a clinical nutritionist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.

According to Shapiro, the flesh of apples will be the substance as a highly viscous gel that can take cholesterol and pulled out of the body.

One good thing in apples is pectin. This is a substance used to make jelly or jam, and pectin contributes to the viscosity of what is happening through the body, and help it out. Apples also have lots of antioxidants and other natural components. We recommend fresh apples instead of dried apples, because some nutrients may be lost in the drying process.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food can have an effect on cholesterol levels. Foods that contain saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol can raise cholesterol levels, while foods with healthy fats such as olive oil can lower your cholesterol.

Foods with fiber, like fruits, vegetables and grains, can lower cholesterol levels, while carbohydrates are low in fiber tend to raise levels of triglycerides and lower levels of HDL as good cholesterol. Let’s eat apple now.



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