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Tips for staying fit and healthy during social distancing

Most nations and countries this year are facing a global outbreak, caused by Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. The presidents or prime ministers have even established lockdown or regional quarantine, as well as civil emergency status. This is not an easy decision. This was decided because it was solely done to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.  In addition to doctors, nurses, police, military personnel, and volunteers who are members of the task force in overcoming this coronavirus, we are required to stay at home. We also have to adjust the work situation with the atmosphere of the house or apartment. Students also must learn independently from home, without face to face with their teachers as they enjoyed in the previous days. Changing or adjusting the atmosphere to new conditions is not easy, but you will soon enjoy it with your family. Perhaps the following tips you can rely on so that you stay productive, creative, fun, and of course make you healthier and happier, in y

Tips and smart solutions to prevent hair loss

How do we prevent hair loss? Are you ever surprised to see your hair falling on the pillow or in the shower?  Hair loss is not only the concern of women, but it also turns out that the man was very bald head due to hair loss. It's p roved that the anti-of hair loss shampoo was not always successful to prevent you from losing a few strands of hair each day in your life. Causes of hair loss could be because you either choose the type and brand of shampoo, or because of the stress factors that disturb you psychologically so that affects the health of your hair. Shampoo advertisement or promotion of food supplements, we are also given information that the hair can also be a lack of nutrients, so the hair will easily fall or grow more slowly than healthy hair. The health experts also say that the hair loss has multiple causes, including diet, mineral deficiency, medications, pollution, and your genetics, even wearing helmets and caps can also increase hair loss. Accordin

Benefits of Yoga for Mental and Physical Health

In recent years, yoga has become a way of life in the world, especially in cities such as in the United States, Britain, Bali, Australia, and of course in India. The high for the health benefits of yoga is one of the main factors increasing the number of people who likes to do yoga. Yoga class in Bali.  Image: Yoga has been practiced for over 5,000 years in India. Yoga has long been spread to many cities in the world. It turns out nearly 11 million Americans enjoy yoga because they become healthier.  The most popular yoga class is on learning physical poses, called Asanas. It also usually includes some form of breathing techniques and meditation. Some yoga classes are designed purely for relaxation. But there is a style of yoga that teaches you how to move your body in new ways. Choosing one of these styles offers the greatest health benefits so much by allowing you to develop your flexibility, strength, and balance. Beautiful Yoga movement in Bali

Meditation and Yoga for a better life

Meditation in Bali.   Image: Why do people meditate? Humans do not always feel happy or healthy body and soul. Even though a person already has a lot of money, successful and famous, it does not make someone feel as a whole human being. Many things you can do to live happy, for example around the world, buying luxury goods and so on, but there is a more prudent way to live happily in the mind, body and soul as did the man in the days of ancient India. They combine fitness by doing yoga and meditation. Yoga from Sanskrit means "union", which means "union with nature" or "unification with the Creator". Yoga focuses on meditation or asceticism activity in which a person focuses the entire mind to control the senses and the body as a whole. The global community is generally familiar with Yoga as its main training activity asanas (postures) parts of Hatta Yoga. Yoga is also used as an alternative treatment, usually this is done


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